
Lupins offer a sustainable and GMO-free source of protein for animal feed. The content of crude protein in lupins are comparatively high on lysine and methionine which increase the protein value of compound feed.

Pet Food

Grainli® supplies companies with by-products of food production, legumes and special products. Our customers come from the compound feed, pet food and aquaculture segments. With our by-products, we try to develop regional protein sources and sustainable supply chains. For products that are not regionally available, we draw on our global network and can thus offer sesame or amaranth for the pet food mix.


Legumes have the ability to fixate nitrogen from the air. In compare to grains they contain more and higher quality proteins. The amino acids contained vary from species to species. Legumes will gain of importance in the EU as they are a regional protein source and are promoted by the EU.

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